[Foundation-l] ACTA signed but not ratified Re: ACTA analysis?

Tomasz Ganicz polimerek at gmail.com
Fri Jan 27 08:08:31 UTC 2012

2012/1/27 Kim Bruning <kim at bruning.xs4all.nl>:
> ==Update==
> ACTA has been signed by the EU and 22 member states, but must still be ratified.
> We have time for a good analysis, and time to set up a game plan before that time.
> OTOH If we decide to act, we shouldn't be *too* slow,
> or we'll lose the momentum that has built up.
> Currently la quadrature du net is coordinated best.
>        http://www.laquadrature.net/en/acta-signed-by-the-eu-lets-defeat-it-together
>        https://www.laquadrature.net/wiki/How_to_act_against_ACTA

Yes. Exactly. Actually, from EU only Germany and Holland has not
signed ACTA yet. Would be good to make a search on which stage there
are formal discussions in these countries. In many countries - also in
Poland, the ACTA formal discussion was made semi-secret - I mean,
theoretically they were not secret, bo goverment made evrything to
hide it from eyes of its own citizens. The ratification in EU
Parliament was originally planned at June, but due to "strike" of
Kader Arif it might be 1-2 months later. Before that there will be
ratification debates in local EU-countries parliaments.

Tomek "Polimerek" Ganicz

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