[Foundation-l] Blink tag jokes are now obsolete.

Thomas Dalton thomas.dalton at gmail.com
Sat Dec 31 15:47:38 UTC 2011

On 31 December 2011 15:36, Federico Leva (Nemo) <nemowiki at gmail.com> wrote:
> Thomas Dalton, 31/12/2011 15:58:
>> On 31 December 2011 14:42, Zack Exley<zexley at wikimedia.org>  wrote:
>>> Hi everyone -
>>> It's a trade off between doing things that might annoy some people in the
>>> banners vs. reducing the number of days we need to run banners at all. It's
>>> hard to find the right balance.
>> This banner isn't just annoying, it is untrue. You can make a tax
>> deductible donation tomorrow just as easily as you can make it today.
>> It will get deducted off next year's taxes, not this year's, but
>> unless you are trying to reduce your tax bill to zero that makes
>> absolutely no difference.
> I'm not familiar with USA deducibility (the WMF legal department doesn't
> give advice either ;)
> https://wikimediafoundation.org/wiki/Deductibility_of_donations ), so
> could you explain this point?
> Aren't there annual limits to deductible amounts?

I'm not particularly familiar with USA tax law either. In the UK, I
believe you are simply limited by your taxable income - you end up
paying negative tax. If there are other limits that apply in the USA,
then my point still stands - unless you are already planning to max
out your limit next year, it makes essentially no difference if you
deduct your donation from this year's taxes or next year's. Whatever
the limits are, I doubt many donors are expecting to be anywhere near

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