[Foundation-l] Where things stand now

Yann Forget yannfo at gmail.com
Sat May 8 16:12:15 UTC 2010


2010/5/8 David Moran <fordmadoxfraud at gmail.com>:
> *I think that's fairly naive, actually. I'd rather suspect the story Fox
> (which seems to be your main concern) will go with is "We were right all
> along, they *were* hosting kiddie porn! Just look, they deleted it all
> after we exposed their filthy secret."
> *What you're saying is that Fox News would have ran a negative story about
> us either way.  And if that's really the case, I'm glad it was a negative
> story the community was actively doing something about, rather than a
> negative story we did nothing about.

The fact that the actions are done following pressure from such a
biased entity as Fox News is bad in itself, independently of the
(wrong) way the deletions were done.




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