[Foundation-l] Wikipedia tracks user behaviour via third party companies

Domas Mituzas midom.lists at gmail.com
Sun Jun 7 18:02:31 UTC 2009


> If I were to compile a wishlist of stats things:
> 1. stats.grok.se data for non-Wikipedia projects

the raw data is available, anyone can build anything like that, as  
long as they have resources. I've suggested Henrik to opensource his  
software, but probably it suffers from "not nice enough to show" yet.

> 3. Pageview stats at <http://dammit.lt/wikistats/> in files based on
> projects. It would be a lot easier for people at the West Flemish
> Wikipedia to analyze statistics themselves if they didn't have to
> download tons of data they don't need.

I'm considering some kind of API, but have to rethink the process  
(though some people want to have more data - like country tagging -  
instead of less data, hehe ;-), though apparently people who cry for  
stats most are also ones that are bashing my actions and attacking  
'volunteer developers' , so...

On the other hand, 'tons of data' is just 50MB an hour. :-)


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