[Foundation-l] An technical idea on spreading and improving Chinese Wikipedia

Andrew Gray andrew.gray at dunelm.org.uk
Fri Feb 20 12:25:04 UTC 2009

2009/2/20 Mingli Yuan <mingli.yuan at gmail.com>:

> Since "Songhu Hui" use Wordpress, so I just propose a technical idea to
> improve the cooperation between Wikimedia and "Songhu Hui". How about a
> keyword-link-generator to Wikipedia for Wordpress? This new Wordpress plugin
> will query Wikipedia to get a keyword list, and then make links in article
> in Wordpress automatically. But some technical problems still be there, for
> example, the Chinese word segmentation.

Some googling throws up this existing tool:


which isn't *quite* what you want, but you can see the potential.

- Andrew Gray
  andrew.gray at dunelm.org.uk

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