[Foundation-l] Wiktionary logo competition makes b3ta

David Gerard dgerard at gmail.com
Fri Aug 14 20:31:07 UTC 2009

2009/8/14 Robert Rohde <rarohde at gmail.com>:

> In the specific case of "Bob the flower", the bigger problem is that
> no one has been actively defending its use as a trademark.  The more
> examples of use there are unaffiliated with Mediawiki, the more
> difficult it would be to assert that it is a trademark representing
> Mediawiki.  It is also unclear who would be in the position to
> authorize the use of such a trademark, i.e. who would own the rights
> to the mark.

Looks like WMF doesn't claim it as a trademark either, so I'm actually
just wrong about that :-)

The MediaWiki logo is GFDL+CC-by-sa (originally just GFDL) with no
trademark claim listed on the page, as other Wikimedia logos have:


Tournesol.png is GFDL, may be CC-by-sa as well (unless it's definitely
past eligibility):


> PS. Since when did the flower have the name "Bob"?

Since this thread, as far as I can recall ;-) Presumably in reference
to angryflower.com.

- d.

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