[Foundation-l] upcoming board elections?

Ting Chen wing.philopp at gmx.de
Thu Apr 30 08:27:34 UTC 2009

Hello Phoebe,

yes three seats will be open.


phoebe ayers wrote:
> Hi all,
> I know it's still a couple of months out, but I've lost track. Are we
> electing two people or three people to the Board this summer? Will all
> of the community seats be open? (it looks like the terms of Kat and
> Ting will be up in July; and Frieda still needs to be replaced).
> Perhaps someone who knows what's going on can update
> http://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Board_elections with the upcoming
> election plans :) I'm also curious how the terms will be staggered
> between the community/chapter/appointed seats.
> thanks,
> Phoebe

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