[Foundation-l] [Fwd: About Alexandria] -> to Usenet ?

Mathias Damour mathias.damour at laposte.net
Fri Mar 7 21:29:25 UTC 2008

Dan Rosenthal a écrit :
> (...)
> I never quite understand why people are complaining about the volume
> of traffic on this list. You participated this thread, so you
> obviously know what the general content of it is. Others could quickly
> view from the thread's title what the general  topic of it is, and
> after reading a post or two, whether it is one that they wish to spend
> time reading. Nobody is forcing you to sit and read through every
> thread, and certainly complaining about the list volume is not making
> it any better.

How can I know I don't miss interesting stuff if I don't check it all ?
When I read a wikipedia article, unecessary stuff has been removed before, I know I should find just what I need on a subject, and that's why I will go back on Wikipedia on another subjet next time. As editors we care very much to readers by linking, giving the possibility to have just an overview on a subject by reading the introduction, etc. There is no such things on this mailing list. The thread's titles may have no relation with the topic anymore, etc...
"Nobody is forcing you to sit and read through every thread" sure, just as nobody is forcing you to care about reader, but I think we should (care, not forcing), just as we do on Wikipedia.


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