[Foundation-l] Voting requirements for community selected seats (Was: unable to vote)

Dan Rosenthal swatjester at gmail.com
Tue Jun 3 22:48:39 UTC 2008

Lodewijk, it's worth noting that several of the board candidates  
(myself included), have interpreted "community selected seats" as  
inherently being "community representative seats", meaning that they  
carry with election the responsibility to represent the desires of the  
community. There's no written rule that says it has to be that way,  
but rather a moral obligation towards the community, even beyond that  
of the electorate.

  I understand that the rest of your post deals with "what is the  
community",  and that is a very important question, but I thought I  
should point this out, since whatever determination you come up with  
for what is the community ought to take into consideration the  
question "How can this community express its voice to the three  
community representatives on the board" and conversely "how can the  
community representatives on the board effectively liaise with the  
community?" Both of those questions I feel might influence the answer  
of "what is the community by perhaps putting both a ceiling and a  
floor to the size of the community. (i.e. too small and you are not  
adequately representing the community. Too large and you cannot  
express the voice well).

(I didn't want to post on this topic before the elections ended, but  
Lodewijk started it off, and since these kinds of topics always spawn  
quite a long discussion, I wanted this to get in before it gets lost  
in the confusing shuffle of posts.)


On Jun 3, 2008, at 3:18 PM, effe iets anders wrote:

> OK, but I can't hold myself, so here we go anyway :P. What are the
> seats about? The seats are *community selected seats*, but also to
> some extent community representative seats (at least they are
> traditionally, even though not every board member appears to agree
> with that currently).

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