[Foundation-l] UK chapter - thanks and good luck

Michael Snow wikipedia at verizon.net
Fri Aug 29 23:42:14 UTC 2008

On behalf of the Board of Trustees, the Wikimedia Foundation and its 
staff, I would like to thank those who put their efforts into organising 
a local chapter for the United Kingdom. It's unfortunate that this 
initial effort is not working out as hoped. In addition to Alison, I 
know that a number of other people, both in and outside the board of 
Wiki Educational Resources, have tried to tackle the various obstacles 
that have come up. We appreciate their patience and their diligence.

It is good to see that people are still interested and enthusiastic 
about creating a UK chapter, and I wish them the best in this endeavour. 
I hope those who experienced the first attempt will share their 
knowledge and consider staying involved to support the new team. In 
addition, Mike Godwin has mentioned that he will look into having some 
legal research done in this area, in the hopes that we can better 
understand the regulatory context and deal with any obstacles. If there 
is anything else the foundation can do to help the process along, we 
would love to hear about it.

Michael Snow
Chair, Wikimedia Foundation

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