[Foundation-l] New list admin: Ral315

Anthony wikimail at inbox.org
Sun Aug 17 17:49:47 UTC 2008

On Sun, Aug 17, 2008 at 12:49 PM, Michael Bimmler <mbimmler at gmail.com>wrote:

> 2) However, what kind of mail would you have liked? You said that you
> didn't want a boilerplate email, okay. But how do you write "personal
> emails" to the ca. 10 applicants who we did not choose? Either you
> keep it very short and simple ("Hi, this is to inform you that you
> were considered but that we found Ral315 to be the most qualified
> candidate after all"), which would be a form of a boilerplate again.
> Otherwise, you'll have to outline for every candidate the exact
> reasons why the successful candidate was "better" (read: more
> qualified) than him and it's a) difficult to formulate this without
> being impolite and b) it takes a lot of time.

An explanation of why only one person could be accepted would be helpful,
since you seem to be implying that this is the case.

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