[Foundation-l] [Wikimania-l] Wikimania 2008 will happen in Alexandria, Egypt

Claudio Mastroianni gattonero at gmail.com
Sat Oct 13 06:36:10 UTC 2007

Il giorno 13/ott/07, alle ore 02:43, Ray Saintonge ha scritto:

> Marc Riddell wrote:
>> on 10/12/07 1:57 PM, Anthony at wikimail at inbox.org wrote:
>>> On 10/12/07, Dan Rosenthal <swatjester at gmail.com> wrote:
>>>> How about the argument as to whether being gay is a choice or  
>>>> not. I
>>>> can choose my religion. I cannot choose my taste in sexual  
>>>> partners.
>>> I don't think you can choose your beliefs (etc etc)
>> Are you serious, Anthony?
> In some ways he's right. It's hard to imagine a Jewish kid telling his
> parents over the dinner table that he wants to convert to something
> else. By the time he's old enough to be on his own it may be too  
> late to
> move away from those earlier influences. Abandoning the religion then
> may only function at the intellectual and liturgical level.
> Ec

Sorry, it's something totally different.
Being homosexual is not a choose at all. "You choose to be  
homosexual" is one of the most used and harmful phrase against a gay:  
"You choose to be homosexual, you can choose back". "Choose" could  
mean "bad choose", and that's the most used accuse against  
homosexual. That's homophobia, I'm sorry.
Have you choosen to be heterosexual?

I hadn't choose to be homosexual. I _came to the acceptance_ of being  
homosexual: it's very different, totally different.
And it's a tough process, a path not so easy to take for a lot  
people. Being said that I had liberally choosen to be mistreated,  
accused, offended, and to possibly have problem with my friends,  
family, peers (and maybe lose some of them for being homosexual)...  
being said this, it's offensive.

I hadn't choose to be homosexual. But I choose to be Christian.
That's something you can choose. I've born Christian, I've been  
raised as a Christian, but then I learned what "be Christian" mean,  
and I chose to remain so. This is a choose, a choose everyone can do.

(by the way: "I think it's about as possible for someone to change  
their taste in sexual partners. ***Maybe it could be done***, but  
it's extremely unlikely". That's what I call a totally silly  
statement: I can't change my taste in partners; I can fake it, it's  
the maximum I can do. It could not be done, not even "maybe".)

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