[Foundation-l] Report on Testing of MediaWiki 1.10rc2

Jeffrey V. Merkey jmerkey at wolfmountaingroup.com
Sun May 6 03:48:40 UTC 2007

I imported the enwiki-20070402 dumps with MediaWiki 1.10rc2 along with 
all images for this release.  Issues identified:

1.  Greatly improved performance on article rendering.
2.  MIME detection in the default settings still does not detect .png 
files correctly
3.  alternate file -bi method works, but this utility has problems with 
a lot of svg image files.
4.  Rendering of xml+svg files is still broken.  1.9.3 actually had some 
problems rendering svg images, but most of them worked.  1.10rc2
has severe breakage and they do not render at all on Fedora Core 5.

The site with 1.10rc with a fresh database import is located at:


You are free to visit the site and inspect these issues.   The 
LocalSettings.php file is using these settings (with DB passwords removed):


# This file was automatically generated by the MediaWiki installer.
# If you make manual changes, please keep track in case you need to
# recreate them later.
# See includes/DefaultSettings.php for all configurable settings
# and their default values, but don't forget to make changes in _this_
# file, not there.

# If you customize your file layout, set $IP to the directory that contains
# the other MediaWiki files. It will be used as a base to locate files.
if( defined( 'MW_INSTALL_PATH' ) ) {
} else {
    $IP = dirname( __FILE__ );

$path = array( $IP, "$IP/includes", "$IP/languages" );
set_include_path( implode( PATH_SEPARATOR, $path ) . PATH_SEPARATOR . 
get_include_path() );

require_once( "includes/DefaultSettings.php" );

# If PHP's memory limit is very low, some operations may fail.
# ini_set( 'memory_limit', '20M' );

if ( $wgCommandLineMode ) {
    if ( isset( $_SERVER ) && array_key_exists( 'REQUEST_METHOD', 
$_SERVER ) ) {
        die( "This script must be run from the command line\n" );
## Uncomment this to disable output compression
# $wgDisableOutputCompression = true;

#$wgReadOnly             = true;
$wgUseTidy = true;
$wgTidyBin = '/usr/bin/tidy';
$wgTidyConf = $IP.'/extensions/tidy/tidy.conf';
$wgArticlePath      = "/wiki/$1";

$wgSitename         = "WikiGadugi";

## The URL base path to the directory containing the wiki;
## defaults for all runtime URL paths are based off of this.
$wgScriptPath       = "";

## For more information on customizing the URLs please see:
## http://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Manual:Short_URL

$wgEnableEmail      = true;
$wgEnableUserEmail  = true;

$wgEmergencyContact = "root at localhost";
$wgPasswordSender = "root at localhost";

## For a detailed description of the following switches see
## http://meta.wikimedia.org/Enotif and http://meta.wikimedia.org/Eauthent
## There are many more options for fine tuning available see
## /includes/DefaultSettings.php
## UPO means: this is also a user preference option
$wgEnotifUserTalk = true; # UPO
$wgEnotifWatchlist = true; # UPO
$wgEmailAuthentication = true;

$wgDBtype           = "mysql";
$wgDBserver         = "localhost";
$wgDBname           = "XXXXX";
$wgDBuser           = "XXXXX";
$wgDBpassword       = "XXXXX";
$wgDBport           = "5432";
$wgDBprefix         = "";

# MySQL table options to use during installation or update
$wgDBTableOptions   = "TYPE=InnoDB";

# Schemas for Postgres
$wgDBmwschema       = "mediawiki";
$wgDBts2schema      = "public";

# Experimental charset support for MySQL 4.1/5.0.
$wgDBmysql5 = false;

## Shared memory settings
$wgMainCacheType = CACHE_NONE;
$wgMemCachedServers = array();

## To enable image uploads, make sure the 'images' directory
## is writable, then set this to true:
$wgEnableUploads       = false;
$wgUseImageMagick = true;
$wgImageMagickConvertCommand = "/usr/bin/convert";

## If you want to use image uploads under safe mode,
## create the directories images/archive, images/thumb and
## images/temp, and make them all writable. Then uncomment
## this, if it's not already uncommented:
# $wgHashedUploadDirectory = false;

## If you have the appropriate support software installed
## you can enable inline LaTeX equations:
$wgUseTeX           = false;

$wgLocalInterwiki   = $wgSitename;

$wgLanguageCode = "en";

$wgProxyKey = 

## Default skin: you can change the default skin. Use the internal symbolic
## names, ie 'standard', 'nostalgia', 'cologneblue', 'monobook':
$wgDefaultSkin = 'monobook';

## For attaching licensing metadata to pages, and displaying an
## appropriate copyright notice / icon. GNU Free Documentation
## License and Creative Commons licenses are supported so far.
# $wgEnableCreativeCommonsRdf = true;
$wgRightsPage = ""; # Set to the title of a wiki page that describes 
your license/copyright
$wgRightsUrl = "";
$wgRightsText = "";
$wgRightsIcon = "";
# $wgRightsCode = ""; # Not yet used

$wgDiff3 = "/usr/bin/diff3";

# When you make changes to this configuration file, this will make
# sure that cached pages are cleared.
$configdate = gmdate( 'YmdHis', @filemtime( __FILE__ ) );
$wgCacheEpoch = max( $wgCacheEpoch, $configdate );

$wgUseFileCache = true;
$wgFileCacheDirectory = "$IP/cache";
$wgShowIPinHeader = false;
$wgUseGzip = false;
$wgShowExceptionDetails = true;

require_once( "$IP/extensions/ParserFunctions/ParserFunctions.php" );
require_once( "$IP/extensions/Cite.php" );
require_once( "$IP/extensions/ImageMap/ImageMap.php" );
require_once( "$IP/extensions/wikihiero/wikihiero.php" );
require_once( "$IP/extensions/checkuser/CheckUser.php" );
$wgGroupPermissions['checkuser']['checkuser'] = true;
$wgCheckUserLog = false;


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