[Foundation-l] Clearing up Wikimedia's media licensing policies

Ray Saintonge saintonge at telus.net
Thu Feb 8 19:29:46 UTC 2007

Claudio Mastroianni wrote:

>Il giorno 08/feb/07, alle ore 11:36, Ray Saintonge ha scritto:
>>Not at all.  Limited fair use is available for all projects.  If the
>>Italian projects choose not to have fair use that is entirely their
>>choice.  Nobody in any en preject is telling you that you can or can't
>>have fair use.
>Again: fair use is *illegal* in a lot of different countries, Italy  
>It's not "our choice", it's just wa can't.
It would not be illegal for a person living in a country that allows 
fair use to upload such material to the Italian language Wikipedia.  
Families of Italian emigrants (of which there are many in North America) 
who retain their love of the language would be completely within their 
legal rights to do so.  If they are not now allowed to do so it is 
because of your rules, and not because of Italian law.


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