[Foundation-l] Wikimedia main office

Jeffrey V. Merkey jmerkey at wolfmountaingroup.com
Sun May 28 14:10:23 UTC 2006

Klaas wrote:

>--- Gregory Maxwell <gmaxwell at gmail.com> wrote:
>>If someone were to propose such discussions happen
>>on a mailinglist
>>with a limit of ~100 words per person/day, then I'd
>find >that
>>agreeable. If you can't make your point in a small
>space >you either
>>haven't thought about it enough or it's just not a
>good >idea. Brevity
>>also helps non-native English speakers understand.
>Gregory makes it indeed confusing for people having
>another mother tongue than English (I am one of them):
>by using too many words.
>What I understand is (can native speakers tell me if
>I'm right or wrong?):
>Limit of 100 words would be better. I doubt it. If you
>are allowed to attach a picture (far more than 100
>words)  you could be able to show what you mean 
>even to people who can read nor write.
>These were indeed less than 100 words (excluding the
>quote :)).
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What, short on disk space? I have missed most of the thread. Can someone 
explain why 100 words should be a limit?


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