[Foundation-l] Free advertising on Wikipedia

Andre Engels andreengels at gmail.com
Tue May 2 15:02:26 UTC 2006

2006/5/2, Phil Boswell <phil.boswell at gmail.com>:

> Maybe not, but one of our Prime Directives is "cite your source". This often
> requires multiple external links because there are multiple sources.
> One hopes that you would class this type of link as "necessary" but there
> seem to be people to whom this kind of thing is like a red rag to a bull and
> would set upon a radical link-ectomy without bothering to consider whether
> there is any conflicting policy.

Sure, if you cite your source, and this source is an internet page, it
should be linked. That seems clear to me. However, such a link I would
then expect to be recognizable as such - at least specifying that it
is a source rather than just a link, but preferably also which part of
the page it is a source for. I would not expect them to be between the
other external links; they also go with different rules (for example,
if a site with letters to and from presidents were linked on [[Harry
S. Truman]] as an external link, I would expect the link to go to an
overview of the available material from Truman, whereas if it were
linked as a source, I would expect to be taken to the specific letter
that was used as a source).

Andre Engels, andreengels at gmail.com
ICQ: 6260644  --  Skype: a_engels

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