[Juriwiki-l] Re: [Foundation-l] Trademark violation of our 'MediaWiki' mark

Angela beesley at gmail.com
Tue Nov 1 19:00:01 UTC 2005

>  I don't understand how you can expect to maintain a trademark without
> someone authorized to make decisions about what is OK and what isn't.

As the Foundation's legal co-ordinator, I'm sure Jean-Baptiste Soufron
can handle this, with help and advice from the members of "juriwiki",
our legal mailing list. Jimmy could appoint a new position if the
matter gets too much for one person to deal with, and in future, we
might want to consider making an IP officer a paid position, but for
now, I've not seen any problems with continuing the current process of
having Jean-Baptiste deal with enquiries and problems in this area.


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