[Foundation-l] Re: A license for the Ultimate Wiktionary

Robin Shannon robin.shannon at gmail.com
Sun May 22 06:21:00 UTC 2005

2005/5/22, Michael Snow <wikipedia at earthlink.net>:
> Mozilla has been at this since 2001, apparently, and it looks like they
> still have some non-relicensed code. They also inherited the right to
> relicense all Netscape-owned code, which is presumably still a
> considerable portion. The Wikimedia Foundation's ability to relicense
> content previously owned by Bomis would not get us anywhere near that.
> And while I don't know how many people have actually contributed code to
> Mozilla, I would guess that we're on a different level in terms of sheer
> numbers. I have this sneaking suspicion that the relicensing process
> would not scale very well, shall we say.
<snip />
> --Michael Snow

from [[Netscape]]
"The Mozilla engineers decided to scrap the Communicator code and
start over from scratch"

paz y amor,

hit me: <robin.shannon.id.au>
jab me: <robin.shannon at jabber.org.au>

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