[Foundation-l] Bangkok bid

Ray Saintonge saintonge at telus.net
Sat Dec 17 05:19:18 UTC 2005

SJ wrote:

>On 12/16/05, Walter van Kalken <walter at vankalken.net> wrote:
>>What on earth did I deserve such an answer for.
>Hm?   Just thinking ahead to what happens when you run out of
>continents... no ridicule here.  A Thai bid would be exciting.  There
>really was already discussion of having Wikimania in sub-orbit.
My reaction to your comments were to view them as raucus humour, not 
ridicule.  They did have a tone reminiscent of Howard Dean, who also got 
taken the wrong way.

>>No in response to a suggestion by you to make Africa the predestined
>>continent I already put up a bid for bangkok.
>I think you're taking Ec the wrong way... it sounded to me as though
>he wanted to encourage a serious Africa bid, though maybe not in a
>position to make one himself.
That's pretty well what I had in mind.  My rationale was based on the 
concept that if we are ever going to have a presence in the developing 
world it would be a good idea to have a Wikimania there to give 
Wikipedians a dramatic grasp of what the problems are.  In any case, 
there can be no valid African bid without Africans being involved in a 
significant way.

>But Ec wrote:
>>Could we book early for someone like Eric Idle or John Cleese to be a
>>guest speaker? :-)
>If we have /really/ out of this world contacts by then, maybe we could
>book Douglas Adams...
Now that you put it that way maybe my invitation list for "something 
completely different" should have included Graham Chapman.

Always look on the bright side of life.


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