[Foundation-l] Wikiversity

Dan Grey dangrey101 at yahoo.co.uk
Thu Aug 4 09:36:10 UTC 2005

At first, I agreed with Angela - protection is bad

Then I read Aya's reasoning, and he has a point,
doesn't he?

Wikiveristy has apparently failed to gain WM support,
and hasn't exactly been flourishing.

Wikibooks is a project to collaboratively write
free-content textbooks. To quote from What Wikibooks
is not, which Angela restored this morning:

"Wikibooks is not a place for users to publish content
unrelated to our main objective. In particular,
Wikibooks may not be used as a personal homepage or
online file storage. Users who want to use the wiki
technology for other collaborative efforts should find
a wiki hosting services such as
[http://www.wikicities.com Wikicities], or install
their own wiki software. For more information on how
to set up the MediaWiki software, please read our book
on [[Wiki Science]]."

So what possible justification is there for
"Wikiversity" to freeload off Wikibooks? 


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