[Foundation-l] Yahoo, Jimbo and other things

Erik Moeller erik_moeller at gmx.de
Fri Apr 8 09:19:55 UTC 2005

Indeed, ad hoc cooperations are happening all over the place behind the 
scenes. Some more examples where there was no "top down" decision making 
process involved:

- GerardM has managed to secure funding (5000 EUR) for the 
implementation of Wikidata as part of MediaWiki independently of any 
board actions. This project is now moving forward.

- TheWorldForum.org is copying stories from Wikinews after I pointed 
them to it. This has allowed us to be indirectly indexed by 
news.google.com and has led to Wikinews stories being on the frontpage 
there multiple times already.

- Many, many Wikipedians have individually gone out to obtain permission 
for photos, images, sounds, or even entire databases. For example, Mark 
(Raul654) obtained permission to put a piano performance of Johann 
Pachelbel's Canon under the GFDL:

(Very much worth listening to, by the way.)

- I asked SciScoop.com to license their stories under CC-BY-SA for 
re-use on Wikinews, and they agreed to do so. I have already submitted 
Wikinews stories there, and they were accepted. I achieved the same 
result with Steve Aftergood's Secrecy Newsletter on classified information.

I could cite many more examples. And, of course, I could also cite many 
examples where such cooperations didn't happen, but people tried to make 
them happen -- those are also worth noting, because success can only 
come from trying. Perhaps at one point we should compile a global list 
of these, so we know who our friends and bridges are.

I absolutely agree with you that one beautiful thing about Wikimedia is 
that the principles of maximizing individual freedom are not limited to 
the editing of articles. Congratulations for the Yahoo! deal, I hope 
that the shortcuts will soon be available in all language editions.

All best,


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