[Foundation-l] New fundraising page version

Daniel Mayer maveric149 at yahoo.com
Mon Sep 20 06:10:22 UTC 2004

--- epzachte at chello.nl wrote:

> Mav, I miss the edit box where people can specify any amount for a periodic
> contribution, 
> as was agreed in the wikimeet last Friday.

Our choices with PayPal are limited; we either get a drop down or an input
field , not both.  
> Also I wonder what the ''Tier x" prefix before each amount in the drop down
> box means. 

Nothing other than being able to easily keep track of amounts over 4 languages
and two periods. I might remove them. 

> To me it suggests different Tiers bring different payback to the donator,
> or establish any other hierarchy which is it probably not what you meant.

In the future they could mean that, but not yet. 

To everybody:
And I thought that the fund drive was starting at 20:00 UTC on Monday. Why is
there a fund drive note at the top of the English Wikipedia? PLEASE take that
down until the fund drive starts - I'm still working on the fund drive pages
and WILL NOT have time to update the goal bar until I'm done. 

-- mav

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