[Foundation-l] A question to all board candidates...

Angela sloog77 at yahoo.co.uk
Sat May 29 15:52:08 UTC 2004

 --- Anthere <anthere9 at yahoo.com> wrote: ...
> A user from a rather minor wikipedia contact the
> foundation mailing list, to ask for help on setting
> a local association ...
> Question : what do you do ?

I would suggest she read [[m:Starting up a local
Wikimedia chapter]].

Oh... except that page doesn't exist yet. :)

It would be great if those who have been working on
starting up the French and German associations could
help to create such a page. It could be a record of
their experiences and a collection of advice for all
future users wanting to set up chapters in their own
local area. 

I don't yet know how much influence the board will
need to have in setting these up. Should they have
rules on exactly what the associations are allowed to
do? How can these be enforceable? Perhaps a discussion
on this list on what the relationship between board
and association should be might help such a page to
develop. The [[m:Starting up a local Wikimedia
chapter]] page also needs to include the Foundation's
principles and advice on what associations need to do
to meet those. How detailed should these be? I would
not like to see the board have an undue amount of
influence over these. I see it more as something to
support them where needed rather than being there to
determine exactly what a chapter should do.

Have the people working on the French and German ones
got any views on whether board input would have helped
them? Or is it felt that the board should just be
there to officially approve them after the details
have been finalised on the local Wikimedia project?


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