[Foundation-l] Fairness and the elections

Erik Zachte e.p.zachte at chello.nl
Fri May 28 16:17:54 UTC 2004

Erik Moeller wrote:
"That is not an argument. If the medium is indeed different, you will have
to show how it is so different that the above logic does not apply."

At a meeting time limits are often enforced because time moves equally fast
for everyone, people either have to listen to lengthy boring speeches or
leave the room. On a web page people have the choice to skip stuff that they
don't want to read.

Danny wrote:
"I hope that no one intends to drop out of the race because of this request.
I hope all the candidates understand my position on this and will not use
this to contest the election, that has been proceeding smoothly so far."

Agree, I won't post on this issue again.

Erik Zachte

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