I  think you need the template namespace too, no ? 
I will try to work on it, but dont know when.... 

Is it possible and/or of interest to release some kind of hourly XML-dump of
the last changed pages in Wikipedia? I'm running a copy of the Wikipedia and are
trying to keep up with the changes. I believe a XML-dump could ease the load
on the server a little.

For my needs the XML-document must contain at least:
    cur title
    cur text (in Wiki-format, including URLs to pictures)
    last change
    Only three of the namespaces (from what i understand): NS_MAIN, NS_IMAGE
    cur is redirect
I heard there are more people than me interested in this (Yahoo ...), what
do they want?

I've spoken to Erik Müller on the WOS in Berlin about this and he direkted
me to this list.