Wikitech-l April 2010
  • 64 participants
  • 46 discussions

Bugzilla Weekly Report
14 years, 1 month

Using two databases in one mediawiki
by 李琴
14 years, 1 month

Why is the English 20100312-pages-meta-history file smaller than the 20100130 version?
by Jeff Kubina
14 years, 1 month

problems of .svg pictures
by caoyanjiao987
14 years, 1 month

Cache problems on Wiki-Brest
by Seb35
14 years, 1 month

MSSQL Support
by Chad
14 years, 1 month

Automatic links to man pages
by Strainu
14 years, 1 month

Bugzilla Weekly Report
14 years, 1 month

Git import of the recent full enwiki dump
by Richard Hartmann
14 years, 1 month

How to add attribute to anchor tag from certain wiki links?
by Jack Bates
14 years, 1 month
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