I write to you because I think it would be important to make another translation of Wikipedia. I would like to make a translation in Chadian. Of course, it's not a widespread language but we are many to speak it. This idea went to me when I was showing to my friend the encyclopedia. He said that it would be very useful to have a Chadian encyclopedia. Everybody was enthusiastic about this idea. That's why I am asking if we can translate the encyclopedia. Of course, the Chadian-speakers will be great to see an encyclopedia of their own language. It will help people to acquire knowledge about the language and to practice it. I write to you because I am following the steps written at this link (http://meta.wikipedia.org/wiki/How_to_start_a_new_wikipedia).

Chadian is very small language spoken everywhere in the world : North America and Europe mainly. It's a non-recognized language and it is using the Cyrillic alphabet which is rare. Chadian is as important as Esperanto, Volapük or any other languages on Earth. On that, I wish that you will give to us the opportunity to have our own encyclopedia... It will be a very big step for our language. Thank you, waiting your answer, Bobby.