That is normal for all countries Roan, we complain because they don't ask those questions to Europeans (though is better live in Brazil now than in Europe and USA because our economy is not falling apart - yet.) or Asians. Only South Americans.

We don't complain about the security things, we complain because they are not random, but selective.
Béria Lima
(351) 925 171 484

Imagine um mundo onde é dada a qualquer pessoa a possibilidade de ter livre acesso ao somatório de todo o conhecimento humano. É isso o que estamos a fazer.

On 11 August 2011 11:42, Roan Kattouw <> wrote:
On Thu, Aug 11, 2011 at 12:27 PM, Béria Lima <> wrote:
> Is not for "no reason", they just think all of us are looking forward for
> the possibility of live in the "dream land" that is America, and can't
> believe we would come back after be there[1].
This is not as exaggerated as it may sound. When someone applies for a
nonimmigrant visa or visa-free entry, the consular or immigration
officer is required by law to assume immigrant intent (i.e. assume
they intend to stay forever; the opposite of assume good faith I guess
:D) unless the applicant can convince them otherwise by showing
binding ties (job, education, house, family, those kind of things,
reasons why you'd come back) to their home country.


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