(recieved your message just after I sent mine). Okay, but still, how to go about doing this?

On 12/1/05, mysekurity < mysekurity@gmail.com> wrote:

> That text is no longer on the page.

I was referring to what SJ sent in the e-mail, rather than what was on the page. I guess this isn't the best thing for them to be doing, but what should we do? I think we might want to contact the German higher-ups as SJ suggested. Why don't we have domain ownership of wikipedia.co.uk or wikipedia.de? (our biggest languages, I'd guess). Oh well, thanks for responding.

On 12/1/05, Ivan Krstic < krstic@fas.harvard.edu> wrote:
mysekurity wrote:
> I'm no German expert, but doesn't "keine" mean not or negative?

That text is no longer on the page.

> contact them about perhaps using MediaWiki software

They're already using MediaWiki 1.5.1. They're trying to build a
special-interest encyclopedia of large companies, which currently
consists of exactly 3 pages, main page included.

Part of their logo, however, is a distorted version of the Wikipedia
logo, which I believe is not kosher; whoever contacts them to request
they change their logo should also press them to change the name of the

Ivan Krstic < krstic@fas.harvard.edu> | 0x147C722D
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