
Egy kulturális/szociológiai programra hívnám fel a figyelmeteket. A rendezővel a Wikimánián találkoztam, és mivel pont Budapestre is jön, ezért megígértem neki, hogy továbbküldöm a meghívót.

Üdv Varsóból.

Global Lives Project - BUDAPEST Preview Screenings


THE GLOBAL LIVES PROJECT is a collaboration of filmmakers, photographers, artists and everyday people working together to create a video library of human life experience. The show features 240 hours of video of Brazil, Malawi, Japan, China, Indonesia, India, Serbia, Lebanon, Kazakhstan and the US.

There will be two screenings - both in ENGLISH and FREE of charge - in Budapest, each followed by a Q&A with David Evan Harris, founder and executive director of the Global Lives Project.


FIRST SCREENING at Tűzraktér (6th district, Hegedű u. 3.) from 6pm on Wednesday, July 14


SECOND SCREENING at CEU, Popper room (5th district, Nádor u. 9.) from 12pm on Thursday, July 15.

We hope to see many of you at either one!

Questions? info at globallives dot org

David Evan Harris
+1 (415) 347-6735

Executive Director, Global Lives Project
Research Affiliate, Institute for the Future