
I am Harsh kothari  I am an engineering student at L.D college. I have been an open source contributor since last 2 years and am contributing in MediaWiki since last 8 months. I am passionate about coding and enjoy it too. I also have been participating in various open source events in Gujarat as well outside of it.

I am submitting a proposal on Language Coverage Matrix dashboard as my GSoC 2013 project. It would help automate the information about language support provided by the Language Engineering team for e.g. key maps, web fonts, translation, language selector, i18n support for gender, plurals, grammar rules. The LCM would display this information as well as provide visualization graphs of language coverage using various search criteria such as tools or languages. it will be of tremendous use to the Language Engineering Team.

The below mentioned link will elaborate more on my proposal.


Bug filed on Bugzilla


Looking forward to suggestions and inputs.



Harsh Kothari
Engineering Trainee, 
Physical Research Laboratory.
Follow Me : harshkothari410