Cuando escribo en mi idioma es porque quiero que el que lea mi mensaje lo entienda perfectamente. Si lo escribo en inglés, idioma que no domino, corro el riesgo de que se me entienda mal, y en asuntos como este en que se ha hablado de racismo no estoy dispuesto a correr ningún riesgo.

An attempt to translate:

When I write in my language, It's I want the people reading my message undertand it right. If I write it in english, language tha I don't speak nor write fluently, it's possible you understand my bad. This (topic: racism) is a matter where I wan't  that.

2007/12/7, Rama Rama <>:

You can write in whatever language you like, but don't be surprised if
not many readers understand you.

Which, in turns, involves mass-sending messages to people, knowing that most of them simply cannot be interested. Which comes very short to spamming them. Is it OK to use the Commons mailing list for things which are not of general interest ? I would have though not.

-- Rama

Commons-l mailing list