[Wikipedia-l] [Foundation-l] contents under education/information licenses

David Gerard dgerard at gmail.com
Wed Nov 22 13:30:51 UTC 2006

On 22/11/06, David Monniaux <David.Monniaux at free.fr> wrote:
> David Gerard wrote:

> >You're still not convincing us that Wikimedia needs to change its
> >policies here, rather than waiting for them to realise that it's not
> >us nastily keeping them out. There's a world outside France.

> I understand that this is a US-centric project, yes, and I'll advertise
> it as such.

Yes, because I'm an American writing from America. Don't be
ridiculous. The world doesn't divide into France and America either. I
realise there's a perennial France vs America attitude in WM France,
but that doesn't mean it isn't ridiculous.

- d.

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