[Wikipedia-l] Where are the decision makers?

Jacky PB dpotop1 at yahoo.com
Thu Jun 29 21:38:26 UTC 2006

Hello everybody,

It's been now some time we are providing actual proof
in support of a petition to close the Moldovan

However, it is obvious that something is wrong,
because every single message of ours is simply buried
under sequences of messages from Mark Williamson.

- Our messages are sequences of facts that can be 
  verified by anybody. Proof, in the scientific sense.
- The edits of Mark have the sole goal of 
  discreditating the opposed camp. No proof, just 
  "their oppinion is biased, because they 
  have a hidden agenda". The very definition of FUD.

Under these conditions, nobody says nothing! We are
left here to exchange messages in an uncontrolled
fashion, while the matter is really important.

Where are the decision makers? Isn't there nobody 

[[:en:Dpotop]], [[:ro:Dpotop]]

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