[Wikipedia-l] Moldovan wikipedia, again

Igor Coropceanu igor123d at yahoo.com
Thu Jun 29 15:28:36 UTC 2006

I agree with that statement, why should the Moldovan Wikipedia only use Cyrillic, that would imply that Moldovan is normally written in that alphabet, which is actually false as the vast majority of Moldovan speakers (i.e. speakers of Romanian in Moldvoa) use the latin script. But having a latin version of Moldovan would also be stupid as formal Moldovan and Romanian are identical. A mo-cyr or ro-cyr version could be created for those who want to read the Romanian encclopedia in Cyrillic (through a transliteration tool), but I suggest not implementing that until someone actually requests a Cyrillic Moldovan encyclopedia. 

Liviu Andronic <landronimirc at gmail.com> wrote:By all this I am trying to explain that current Cyrillic content has nothing
to do on mo.wikipedia. If it has any right to exist (low quality content, no
native contributors, no native people's support of its existance [at least
not here, not on this mailing-list]), it should be somewhere on a

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