[Wikipedia-l] Marketing: a question

Andre Engels andreengels at gmail.com
Wed Jul 12 11:11:26 UTC 2006

2006/7/12, Oldak Quill <oldakquill at gmail.com>:
> Can an individual organisation such as Wikimedia change their
> requirements, despite the license, to something more lenient as you
> are suggesting? Even if they did, could some external
> organisation/person have a problem with it? Could the Free Software
> Foundation claim that we're misusing the GFDL? If they did, could they
> demand we use a different license (I think not, but I'll ask anyway)?
> Well, I'm just speculating, but they're questions that should be
> considered.

No, technically we cannot. I don't think the FSF can make such a
claim, but the individual authors of that Wikipedia page might well
have a point if they claim it is violating their copyright.

I sometimes wished I had a time machine so I could go to January 2001
and warn Jimbo about the problems of the GFDL, advising him to find or
create another license for Wikipedia.

Andre Engels, andreengels at gmail.com
ICQ: 6260644  --  Skype: a_engels

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