[Wikipedia-l] Protest!!!!

Matt Brown morven at gmail.com
Sun Jul 9 12:50:10 UTC 2006

On 7/9/06, Andre Engels <andreengels at gmail.com> wrote:
> This user has deleted hundreds of pages without even notifying anyone
> that he did so.

Perhaps because he thought that deleting these duplicated system
messages that were identical to the centralised, standard MediaWiki
messages was not harmful in any way - indeed, from the user experience
point-of-view, absolutely nothing seems to have been changed.  He
probably was under the impression that it was self-evidently,
obviously mistaken to have local versions that did not differ from the

It sounds like an opportunity for discussion and gentle reminder of
the benefits of warnings even in such "obvious" cases, since no actual
harm to the project was done.

Since this had to have been done by someone already an administrator
on nl:, I think the paranoia about things being 'forced upon' a
project by those outside sounds a little overblown to me - and saying
more about the complainers than the complained-about.


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