[Wikipedia-l] CafePress shop updated

Daniel Mayer maveric149 at yahoo.com
Mon Jan 30 02:20:16 UTC 2006

I spent a few hours today updating the Wikipedia CafePress shop tonight (20% from every purchase
goes to the foundation). The biggest change was replacing the 'Edit this page' image on the back
of items with an image that shows the multi-lingual nature of the project (the 'Edit this page'
image is still there, just much reduced in size). Here is the image:

All items with front and back options now have a big Wikipedia logo in front and the multi-lingual
'The Free Encyclopedia' logo (see above) on back. A new item that shows this well is a golf shirt:

I also added a mousepad and clock with the new image:

New items with just the standard logo include a black cap, a khaki cap, teddy bear, and wall

Just for fun I also created a "We make the Internet not suck" bumper sticker:

The full shop is here: http://www.cafepress.com/wikipedia/528088

If you have ideas for slogans and artwork, then please add them here:

-- mav

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