[Wikipedia-l] Namespace manager and its potential use

Carlos Thompson chlewey at cable.net.co
Tue Jan 24 20:57:40 UTC 2006

Sabine Cretella wrote:

> On the Neapolitan wikipedia we have one particularity: it is a language 
> without stadardised writing (up to now) and it has local varieties that 
> sometimes vary really a lot. Besides that there are regions that are 
> attributed to the Neapolitan language group that really "far away" from 
> Neapolitan - this means that there are languages (that are not considered 
> as such) that are not understandable for us when we hear those people 
> talk.
> Now as much as I understand the namespace manager could help us in that.
> We could create namespaces for:
> *standardised Neapolitan
> *phonetic Neapolitan (at the moment, this would have the majority of 
> articles at the moment)
> *language A (attributed to the NAP language group)
> *language B (attributed to the NAP language group)
> etc.
> The mainpage would then become a page that leads to the several namespaces 
> where the NAMESPACE:Main_page would actually hold the main page of that 
> specific namespace and that could be different according to contents etc.

If I understand this correctly, this would also help for languages with 
different scripts like Judeo-Spanish (Ladino) which is written in either 
Roman or Hebrew script.  With this we could have different namespaces for 
each script (orthography), interlink between scripts, etc.

-- Carlos Thompson 

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