[Wikipedia-l] This is a 'first-timer' - should I have missunderstood somehting then please have mercy for me

Michael Laudahn ml at worldimprover.net
Sun Jan 22 16:59:12 UTC 2006

Thomas Koll's reply: probably a sample of german totalitarian fuzzy logic

He contends to have read half an hour in my website and now diagnoses me as
having 'paranoia' - whatever that may be.

'Logic': This procedure has got nothing to do with it. He is arguing around
my arguments. My arguments were, in a nutshell: Both the individuals named
(cf my original message) boast as human-rights specialists. Practise has 
shown that they seem very choosy whom to attribute these rights, when they 
have been violated. Human rights are, however,  indivisible by nature. In 
other words, they are probably high-ranking conmen, and the public has a 
right to know about that. A link to a critical website would accomplish the 
balance that now is lost, due to their partisan self-depiction.

Calling people 'psychiatric' names is the first step towards treating them
like that - think of the defunct Soviet Union, and remember who was right
and who was wrong. Remember also that our politicians then would protest
regularly against this kind of human-rights abuses. Today, acting like
former soviet apparatchiks has become our own politicians' daily fare.

I would prefer the anglo-saxon community dealing with this issue. I have 
tried the german conflict-solving layer already and know that there is 
nothing to be expected.


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