[Wikipedia-l] Paying for providing data to customers

Chris Jenkinson chris at starglade.org
Wed Jan 18 15:25:39 UTC 2006

GerardM wrote:
> When you pay for Internet access, you pay for the utility of Internet.
> The ISP provides you with access to the Internet. This means that they
> provide you with a SPECIFIC bandwith. What BellSouth is doing is
> essentially not only make you pay but the organisation that is putting
> content on the Internet as well. So they make you pay twice because it
> is obvious that the organisation that is made to pay will increase
> your bill by that amount.
> Until this time you pay for a service, a given amount of access to the
> Internet. With this proposal you do not get this service because
> additional tolls have to be paid.

I propose that if BellSouth go ahead with this stupid idea of theirs, we 
block access to all people connecting from BellSouth and tell them to 
switch their ISP. They will learn fast enough that their idea is stupid.


Chris Jenkinson
chris at starglade.org

"Mistrust all in whom the impulse to punish is powerful."
  -- Friedrich Nietzsche, Thus Spoke Zarathustra

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