[Wikipedia-l] Fairness in voting

Eugen Plamadeala eugen.plamadeala at gmail.com
Fri Jan 13 18:05:59 UTC 2006

Hello everybody, especially Node_ue

It starts with him espousing his POVs.

You know what, I think everything one says is a POV.

The requirements of the vote are:
> 1) You have to speak Romanian/Moldovan "adequately". Whether or not
> your skills are "adequate", is to be judged by this particular user
> himself.
> 2) You have to have at least 25 contributions on the Moldovan
> Wikipedia... OR the Romanian Wikipedia!!!
> Now, that strikes me as inherently unfair. Romanian Wikipedians are
> allowed to vote, sort of like a free pass? But no other Wikimedians??
> It's not the ROmanian Wikipedia after all, it's the Moldovan
> Wikipedia!
> You may argue all you want about whether or not Moldovan and Romanian
> are a single language, whether or not that Wikipedia should exist, but
> to let everybody from one Wiki vote for the future of another one, but
> nobody from any other wikis may participate, seems inherently unfair.

Why should people from other Wikis vote for the future of mo. ?  The future
of mo. is mostly a concern of Moldovans and Romanians, since it (the
"Moldavian" language) is their native language.
Would you consider it OK if all the wikipedians decided to open an Wiki in
American (yes, I do know there's no such language, but that's exactly the
point)?  It just like the ellections in a country:  why should citizens (in
this case speakers) of another country (in this case language) vote for the
fate of the country (in this case, Wiki)?  It would be absurd.

The same user has been very... shall we say, "headstrong". He moved
> dozens and dozens of pages from Cyrillic titles to Latin titles
> (instead of creating brand-new pages in Latin), and replaced their
> entire contents with direct copy from ro.wiki, systematically.

Well, what's the point of keeping mo.,  if it's just like ro. ?

Now, so far, of all the people who voted, the vast majority are
> Romanians. How is that fair? Romanians get to decide the future of the
> Moldovan Wikipedia, but no *other* foreigners may weigh in?

Romanians are not foreigners on the Moldovan Wikipedia!

Well, maybe some Romanians don't see themselves as foreigners, but in
> the eyes of the world, they are.

And it's going to be this way as long as people are uninformed by such pages
as mo.wikipedia.org! All the people should know that: There is no
Moldovan/Moldavian/Moldoveneasca Language!
I am saying this as a person who has lived all his life in Moldova, who
speaks Romanian and Russian fluently and who knows much about the history of
his nation's language and traditions.

And please, do not say such things as: "Most of the people who voted were
Romanians (or sth else)", because you HAVE NOT looked in their passports and
you DO NOT really know who they are, you just know they speak Romanian


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