[Wikipedia-l] Fairness in voting

Alphax (Wikipedia email) alphasigmax at gmail.com
Fri Jan 13 07:21:16 UTC 2006

Mark Williamson wrote:
> Hi,
> The conflict at the Moldovan Wikipedia has reignited.
> A new user made a page called "Alegeri" (elections).
> It starts with him espousing his POVs.
> The requirements of the vote are:
> 1) You have to speak Romanian/Moldovan "adequately". Whether or not
> your skills are "adequate", is to be judged by this particular user
> himself.
> 2) You have to have at least 25 contributions on the Moldovan
> Wikipedia... OR the Romanian Wikipedia!!!
> Now, that strikes me as inherently unfair. Romanian Wikipedians are
> allowed to vote, sort of like a free pass? But no other Wikimedians??
> It's not the ROmanian Wikipedia after all, it's the Moldovan
> Wikipedia!
> You may argue all you want about whether or not Moldovan and Romanian
> are a single language, whether or not that Wikipedia should exist, but
> to let everybody from one Wiki vote for the future of another one, but
> nobody from any other wikis may participate, seems inherently unfair.
> The same user has been very... shall we say, "headstrong". He moved
> dozens and dozens of pages from Cyrillic titles to Latin titles
> (instead of creating brand-new pages in Latin), and replaced their
> entire contents with direct copy from ro.wiki, systematically. He
> obviously didn't even review his work, because many images were broken
> because the image tag for ro: ([[imagine:...]]) doesn't work on
> mo.wiki (you have to use the default, [[image:...]]).
> Now, so far, of all the people who voted, the vast majority are
> Romanians. How is that fair? Romanians get to decide the future of the
> Moldovan Wikipedia, but no *other* foreigners may weigh in?
> Well, maybe some Romanians don't see themselves as foreigners, but in
> the eyes of the world, they are. And besides, very clearly, there are
> two separate subdomains. Whether or not Romanians are Moldovans and
> vice-versa, very clearly most ro.wikipedians are NOT mo.wikipedians,
> though a few are.
> Your thoughts, please?

Voting is evil. If your description of events is accurate, then this
user should be (to quote Garfield) dragged out into the street and shot.

Alphax - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/User:Alphax
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