[Wikipedia-l] Serbo-Croatian wikipedia

fallout at lexx.eu.org fallout at lexx.eu.org
Mon Jan 9 03:25:28 UTC 2006

> Are you people crazy or blind? The point is that THESE PEOPLE DON'T
> WANNA HAVE 1 ENCYCLOPEDIA. The proof is everywhere. E.g. why were SR,
> HR  and BS created? Because people wanted to. Why is SH so
> underdeveloped  (and 200, not 2000, is a very optimistic number for
> articles made in the  project, not copied word by word from elsewhere)?
>  Because close to no  one wants to contribute to it. Is there an ISO
> for SH? No there isn't.

ISO codes aren't really an indication what is a language and what isn't
nowadays. After all, Moldovan language
(http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Moldovan_language) also has an ISO code...

As for your translation to Croatian, it's similar to how an American most
likely won't be able to write properly in British English - his English
will be well understood by the Britons, of course, but it will still have
noticable americanisms.


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