[Wikipedia-l] Serbo-Croatian wikipedia

fallout at lexx.eu.org fallout at lexx.eu.org
Mon Jan 9 02:51:22 UTC 2006

> There is ample support for the notion that setting up the separate
> wikis  was a grave violation of NPOV, but adopting retroactive policies
> for  anything is never good without an overwhelmingly strong reason.
> There  is no such overwhelming reason.  So unluss one of those
> communities  collapses form a total lack of interest, or there is a
> merger agreement  by any two or more of these communities we will
> probably have to live  with the fact of four communities for the
> forseeable future.  My crystal  ball cannot see farther than that.
> Ec

Speaking of sh:, why do we have separate Wikipedias for Malay and
Indonesian languages? From the English Wikipedia article, it seems that
Indonesian is just a standardised version of one of the Malay dialects and
the two are mutually intelligible.


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