[Wikipedia-l] Serbo-Croatian wikipedia

elephantus elephantus at net.hr
Sun Jan 8 01:15:12 UTC 2006

I have followed the progress (or rather the lack of
it) on the Serbo-Croatian wikipedia since its
unlocking and I have to say that almost all of the
"contributions" there were actually verbatim
copies of articles from Bosnian, Croatian and Serbian
Wikipedias done by 1-2 users. The articles were then
left untouched, in many cases with empty picture links and
original unopened red links for categories,
while their originals on the other three
wikis were changed, improved, re-categorized etc.
The wiki has about 2400 articles today with almost no
original articles longer than about a sentence.

Also, the other three Wikipedias which cover this same linguistic
territory (Bosnian, Croatian and Serbian) have grown
significantly in the past six months and now have a combined
total of about 35,000 articles with many active contributors
writing about topics as diverse as genetics, jumbo jets,
Native American peoples, short-lived Roman emperors etc.

Wikipedia users who want to contribute in any of the three
languages turn to either Bosnian, Croatian or Serbian wikipedias
by default. The Serbo-Croatian Wikipedia hasn't really added
any new active users since August or so. Many of the people
who support it admit openly that they do so for
ideological reasons but, as many Wikipedians know,
encyclopedias are built by those who love encyclopedias and
knowledge, not those who love ideologies.

To sum it up, I think that Wikipedia in Serbo-Croatian
should be re-locked and then removed after an appropriate
period, simply to remove interference with other projects
when doing a Google search or similar.


from Croatian Wikipedia

XXLadsl ponuda do 15.01.2006.- veće brzine, iste cijene. Samo kod
IskonInterneta uz XXLadsl surfajte 60 dana neograničeno za samo 1kunu!

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