[Wikipedia-l] Wikipedia Day 2006 : 5 years wikifying knowledge

Walter Vermeir walter at wikipedia.be
Tue Jan 3 22:01:26 UTC 2006

Soon it will be again [[w:en:Wikipedia:Wikipedia day|]] on January 15.

This year it is the 5th anniversary of Wikipedia. Should we not do

If so, then it is high time to make the preparations.

I have some ideas what could be done ...

On January 15th, Wikipedia Day, only for one day, Wikipedia goes ..

- Retro! Change the default skin of the largest Wikipedias to
"Nostalgia". (most of the now existing Wikipedias did not exist in 2001
and have not even ever have used the usemod wiki.)

- Change to logo of those wikis back to the old Wikipedia logo. (Pre-Nohat)

- Change the style of the main pages back to one of more earlyer
incarnations. Basic style.

- On the main pages the main story is for once Wikipedia. The Wikipedias
write a article, does not even have to be NPOV (Wikipedia namespace?)
about the early history of there Wikipedia, about the very first users,
  anecdotes about how some policy's or things not seem normal come to
be. The first attention of the media for Wikipedia. And this until today.

Jimbo could write also something about how he looks at the last five
years back now and how he thinks about the future of Wikipedia.

It would also be a great opportunity for all the current Wikipedians who
where not here from the start to get the feeling a bit how it was only 5
years ago.

This Wikipedia day would be in the first place be for the Wikipedians
them self.

Any for supporters for this idea?


Contact: walter AT wikizine DOT org
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