[Wikipedia-l] Celebrity users

Nicholas Moreau beaubeaver at yahoo.co.uk
Tue Jan 11 12:57:50 UTC 2005

While it isn't the highest of priorities, it seems we
need to establish a firm policy to go by on celebrity
usernames. While I'd rather they be blocked outright,
we at least need to ban people not only using the name
as their username, but 

If [[user:Scott Peterson]] made an edit to [[lawn
fertilizer]], you'd tend to believe it more than with
the average user. Same as if [[user:Hillary Duff]]
made edits to the [[Disney Channel]], or if [[user:Joe
Scarborough]] made edits to [[United States House of
Representatives]], all things that were professionally
related to them in their lives.

I can almost live with [[user:Jerry seinfeld]], as he
admits to not be the comedian. But anyone else is just
trying out identity theft on us.

I propose we ink out a more direct policy stating that
"no user may impersonate another living person other
than themselves, particularly a person that is worth
encyclopedic note, and may or may not have a Wikipedia

If a celeb does want to join, they should be able to
have "their people" phone one of us, possibly the
Foundation itself. Or, they would have to undergo an
extensive trivia process on their lives, which was
what I was going to propose for Miss Duff before she
was scared away.

Nick Moreau

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