[Wikipedia-l] wikipadia

Mark Williamson node.ue at gmail.com
Mon Jan 10 07:45:08 UTC 2005

That was funny, yes, but I don't think it's very constructive.

I was very serious when I made that post, and I still am. That person
is earning their living by screwing over innocent folks, just as you
and all non-unemployed people earn a living doing whatever it is you
do for a living.

Domain squatting doesn't take a genius, but to come up with the idea
you'd certainly have to not be an idiot.

Every domain the squatter squats is most likely a work of creativity,
an idea that suddenly popped into their head rather than a list sent
to them in the newspaper.


On Sun, 09 Jan 2005 20:47:02 -0800, Sean Barrett <sean at epoptic.org> wrote:
> Mark Williamson stated for the record:
> > I think the creativity of the domain squatter at work there should be
> > applauded. It also exemplifies the wonderful freedom of the internet
> > and how it applies to EVERYBODY. I think we should let it be rather
> > than harassing somebody trying to make a living by screwing others.
> >
> > Mark
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