[Wikipedia-l] Re: Wikipedia spanks Encarta, Brockhaus

Lothar Kimmeringer wikipedia at kimmeringer.de
Sat Oct 2 16:30:43 UTC 2004

On Sat, 02 Oct 2004 15:23:17 +0200, Anthere wrote:

> Is it german language comparison or english one ?

German of course.

> What does c't mean ?

The complete title is "c't Magazin für Computer Technik"
What c and t mean should be obvious now ;-)
It's not the first time they mention Wikipedia in an
article, e.g. they already had an article about online-
encyclopaedias AFAIR two years ago.

Regards, Lothar
Lothar Kimmeringer                E-Mail: spamfang at kimmeringer.de
               PGP-encrypted mails preferred (Key-ID: 0x8BC3CD81)

Always remember: The answer is forty-two, there can only be wrong

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